Assists with helping prevent injury, restores structural balance, release tension in muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons and relieves discomfort.

    1234 reviews

Note: Full details on the treatment & additional treatment boosters are below.

Your Questions, Answered.

Still have questions after reading the info below? Call me on 0478 292 442 or email us at

  • What to expect
  • FAQ spinal ostEopathy
  • Emotional balancing
  • THz  body boost
  • book my first consultation

What to expect

Learn what to expect at your first treatment, so you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible during your experience.   The treatment assists with helping prevent injury, restores structural balance, release tension in muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons and relieves discomfort.
Can I claim this with my health fund?
Unfortunately the Australian Government introduced reforms to the Private Health system and effectively removed coverage of a range of complimentary therapies in April 2019.  So, my treatments are no longer covered.  However, most of my clients are extremely happy that they get results in a much quicker time-frame than they would be using the therapies that are approved by their Health Insurance.  The choice is yours. 
Should I do anything to prepare for my treatment?
If possible for both your comfort level and mine, please have a warm shower to relax the muscles, loosen tension and reduce any insecurities you may have regarding body odour.  

Ensure you have been drinking water prior to your treatment as it plumps up the muscles and allows your circulation to carry toxins away easily.  It is very important to stay hydrated in the days after your treatment for the same reasons.  

Can I workout after a treatment? 
For the best possible results, avoid any sort of stretching or high level of exercise 24 hours after your treatment, as the body needs to heal and process the changes.  Gentle walking fine and after your treatment is a great way to keep your body moving and not slumping into its old postural pattern. 
Deep breathing during your treatment
Sometimes, without realising it, we tend to hold our breath. But during a treatment, particularly when I am working on an area that is causing you discomfort, it’s crucial to breathe. In fact, it’s important to breathe fully and deeply. It’s especially important to oxygenate the blood supply to aid tense muscles. Deep and slow breathing, according to research, has even been reported as a complementary approach in the treatment of chronic pain. 
When should I arrive?
Please plan to be a couple of minutes early.

As the clinic is being run from my home, I do not have a waiting area, so if my curtains are closed in the front window, then I am currently in with a client.   I will let you know when I am finished and be able to bring you in. 

If you have someone drop you off for your treatment, there are a few coffee places or supermarkets close by they may be able to visit while you have your treatment.

What should I wear for my treatment?
The treatments are done fully clothed. It is best to wear loose fitting clothing such as gym gear, loose yoga wear or boardshorts (no jeans or cargo pants please).  This allows you privacy, ease of movement and ability to stretch. 
How does the treatment start?
Your appointment will begin with filling in an intake form and then a consultation of your issues.   I will perform an assessment of your range of movement, joint mobility, restrictions and more.

Standard consultations  - After you lie face down on the table, I will conduct a short assessment on a few other areas and then formulate a quick treatment plan.  I will detail which areas may be uncomfortable for you so that you will be prepared.  

What happens during the treatment? 
Depending on the treatment you are receiving and the results of your assessment, I will use a variety of techniques to help you relieve pain and discomfort and increase range of motion.  

Depending on your discomfort level, short consultations are generally done seated or standing and standard consultations are done lying down.  

Standard consultations may include PNF stretching, spinal osteopathy, and Emmett techniques to help improve flexibility and range of motion.

Short (Emmett) treatments will work on resetting muscle groups and nerves using mainly light touch and movements.  

Lymphatic / Sinustreatments are done using the Emmett technique and light pressure to get the lymph and circulation moving. 

Pregnancy treatments may use either Trevor Rose's Hormonal Bowen moves, or I may choose to use either the osteo-spinal or Emmett techniques to relieve pain, discomfort and nausea.  It is really dependent on your stage of pregnancy and also what you need addressed at the time of your treatment.  

Feel free to speak up at any time during your treatments, and ask me to adjust the pressure level or any other comfort issues.

What happens after my treatment?
After your treatment, I will offer you some water to help clear the toxins stimulated during your session.  (NB: You may find that you are thirsty and this is normal, so please keep hydrated for the next few days to enable the body to flush out the unwanted toxins from your system).  

For the rest of the day of your treatment, it is recommended that you do not sit down for longer than 20 minutes (TIP: set a timer on your phone to remind you to get up and move around), however lying down horizontally is perfectly fine and most people need to rest after their treatments as they feel very sleepy.   This is because we want to interrupt the old posture and sitting down for too long will void/effect the benefits of your treatment.  

Please let any sort of other bodywork therapy (physio, chiro, massage) for at least 72 hours after your treatment to allow the body to rebalance.  You may do heavy exercise or Yoga 24hrs after your session.  Gentle walking is totally fine.  

When should I see you next?
Everyone has a different body and will respond to the treatments differently for a variety of reasons.  

•    age
•    level of activity
•    nutrition intake
•    tress levels/mental health
•    pre-existing structural issues

New clients with body challenges that have been present for more than 4 weeks are classified as 'chronic'.  These treatments may take between 3-5 treatments to resolve.  'Acute' challenges are those under 4 weeks and generally it only takes 1 - 2 treatments to resolve these.  

How do I pay you?
I have the following options available  -
* cash
* cryptocurrency
* bank transfer via OSKO (instant transfer)
An excellent video from the Founder of the Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST), Michael Nixon-Livy.  It will give you a good understanding of the history of the technique, treatment outcomes, how the treatment is applied to your body and how it works to resolve your challenges.  Only 3:45 minutes. 

FAQ regarding Spinal Osteopathy (NST)

What is the Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST)?
The Neurostructural Integration Technique is a form of soft tissue osteopathy.  It is based on the early pioneering work of Tom Bowen (osteopath) and integrated with the famous Sacro-Occipital technique of Major Bertrand DeJarnette (chiropractor and osteopath).

Michael Nixon-Livy combined, refined and tested these techniques and created what is now known as the Neurostructural Integration Technique, or Spinal Osteopathy. This technique has been spread around the world, and is now popular with osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists using this as part of their treatments.  For example, the physiotherapy department of the Mater Hospital in France, uses this technique.

Most NST practitioners report, as Michael Nixon-Livy points out in the video above, 95% of people who receive NST have a positive outcome, and 80% have a total resolution of their issues between 1 and 5 sessions.

At Tracey's Body Repairs, your soft tissue mechanic, uses this technique as the main remedial treatment for standard consultations to help you overcome your chronic (longer than 4 weeks) or acute (less than 4 weeks) pain issues.
How can NST help me?
If you are one of the many people who experience pain on a daily basis, you would agree with Pain Australia -

"Left untreated, chronic pain can have a devastating impact on all aspects of sufferers' lives. About 65 percent of people with chronic pain report interference with daily activities including sleep, sex, work, exercise and routine self-care, which can have a negative effect on personal relationships, social interactions and lifestyle."

NST can help everyone from babies through to the elderly.  It is fantastic for athletes and anyone who is suffering chronic or acute pain, or just wants to be brought back into 'balance'.

Recipients have found relief or even complete resolution of many conditions once the ‘body is in balance’ -
- Chronic pain, including neck and back pain
- Headaches, including migraines
- Joint pain, including knee, shoulder, elbow, carpal tunnel and jaw (Tempo-mandibular joint (TMJ)) pain
- Joint restrictions, including frozen shoulder
- Pain and injury from accidents, including whiplash injuries and scarring
- Improved recovery from athletic activities, training or competition
- Back pain during pregnancy
- Muscle cramps
- Menstrual and menopausal discomfort, including hot flashes
- Bed wetting in children, and incontinence in adults
- Dizziness
- Anxiety, stress and emotional depression
- Breathing problems, including asthma
- Acute and chronic fatigue
How does NST work?
The aim and philosophy of NST is to restore the structural integrity (core) of the body.  The 'core' is seen as the individual components of the spine, pelvis, sacrum, coccyx and skull - plus the muscular system.

The NST pri-moves help stimulate the fascial network (fascia is defined as - "a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body", allowing adhesion's and scar tissue to soften.  Thus returning flexibility and function to the body.

Once all these core components are integrated, function is restored to the electrical system of the body (nervous system), allowing communication to travel freely to organs and glands in the body and initiate healing.  'Your 'symptoms' disappear and your energy levels are revitalised.

Clients often hop off the table and report a feeling of 'lightness' and ease of movement.
Why should I get a treatment?
If you are injured or in pain, it lessens your quality of life (family and sporting activities).  It can also mean added expenses for pain relief medication and lost earnings if you have to take time off work.

The longer you leave an injury, the more problems can occur in other parts of your body, which means longer treatment and recovery times and cost for you in the long term!
Will it work for me?  I have tried so many other treatments.
If you have tried conventional treatments, physical therapy and other types of therapies with no success, then it is worth giving NST a try and see the results!  It can give substantial long lasting relief from issues within a few treatments. 

You won’t know unless you try it for yourself.   
How many treatments will I need?
Anything longer than four weeks (acute conditions) is classified as a chronic condition.  It may take longer than one treatment to resolve.  It all depends on how well your body responds to the treatment, type of injury/condition, your level of nutrition, occupation and/or personal fitness regimen, and of course, your own desire to get better.  I have had people with chronic pain generally feeling much better by the third treatment.  Sometimes it may take 5 - 7 treatments, however these are completed over the course of a couple of months.

Don’t wait until it breaks down......

What would it be like to have your own personalised meditation music?

Boost your therapy with personalised frequencies, binaural beats & more that will help support your emotional health and well-being. The technology will instantly create customised music files that are designed just for you after scanning your voice. 

You can listen to them during your session and also get them sent to your email so you can continue listening to them at home. 

Welcome to the future. 

The THz physiotherapy device also produces heat to warm the tissues, blue light & scalar technology which have their own unique actions in the body.     

Your cells are activated which helps with pain and inflammation, and allows the body to heal itself. 

What is the THZ device?

The device is based on energy healing and frequency. 
It addresses the illnesses caused due to disturbance of the energy flow in the body. It has passed all the safety tests – zero radiation, no electro-magnetic radiation and has human clinical reports.

It is 100% safe, user friendly and can be used on anyone including new-born babies (for colic etc) and older people.
How can the THz device help me?
Within the clinic at Tracey's Body Repairs , it may assist with -

* various muscle and nerve pain
* stimulating the immune system
* different types of inflammation (ie. any issue ending with 'itis')
* hormonal & reproductive organ imbalances
* various blockages to the lymphatics, circulation, meridians
* sleep challenges
* various skin challenges
* water retention issues

Who cannot use this treatment
As with any therapy, there are some situations where therapies cannot be used.  In the case of the THz device, it is not recommended for the following -

* pregnancy
* during menstruation
* congenital heart disease
* any implants (including botox, knee replacements etc)
* open wounds
* fractured bones
* people taking blood thinners

Why should I get a treatment?
If you are injured, in pain or have no energy, it lessens your quality of life (family and sporting activities).  It can also mean added expenses for pain relief medication and lost earnings if you have to take time off work.

The longer you leave an injury, the more problems can occur in other parts of your body, which means longer treatment and recovery times and cost for you in the long term!
Will it work for me?  I have tried so many other treatments.
As this works on the cellular level, you may not feel anything 'working' right away, however some people who are chronically unwell may be very sensitive to the device.  I always test first. 

You won’t know unless you try it for yourself.   
How many treatments will I need?
It depends on how much you want to 're-balance' your body from.  For example, someone coming in with more than one challenge at the same time and have had those for awhile, will need a few treatments.

Also, in some cases, the body will progress in stages of improvement - everybody is different.  Therefore, it is suggested that you consider a minimum of 3 treatments to ensure your challenges are addressed.

Regular monthly or six weekly treatments will keep you performing at your best.

Don’t wait until it breaks down......

Regular THz treatment feedback

I have been using the wand for 5 weeks and am feeling sensational.

I haven’t been able to play tennis for a year because of a chip in my knee and I had been very sluggish. I’m prone to constipation but that changed over night and I now don’t get headaches from drinking red wine and coffee or eating chocolate. The chip in the knee kept me awake at night but that is now better.
I need 2 hours less sleep and wake up super refreshed.
My skin is improving, cellulite is dissolving, body is toning up and my nails getting are stronger.
My “chicken neck” and “granny wings” are also tightening up and I have so much more life-force, enthusiasm and motivation.

Who would have thought you could feel so great in your 70’s? I’m so very grateful.

M. Mason

Initial consultation feedback

 I just had to let you know....after my visit to you yesterday morning I fell asleep about 3pm and woke up just before 10am this morning !!! (WITHOUT any sleeping pills or pain relief) I have never woken so relaxed, almost completely free of pain, and that was after just one visit with you.

The pain in my knee which I have been left to deal with by my Doctor for almost 18yrs is merely more than a niggling twinge. Prior to seeing you I had been to a Doctor referred Physiotherapist that made little to no impact in improving my pain. I cannot thank you enough.

I am a much happier person this morning and as anyone knows that has endured long term pain,it changes who you are. You're not yourself any more. I look forward to my next visit with you and to rediscovering the happy me, the active me that has been lost for some time. Thanks again xx.

Tracey K., North Brisbane

Why Tracey's Body Repairs?

1. Where previously unresolved body problems are dealt with

Here’s one thing I know with absolute surety -  injuries affect peoples quality of life and their finances.  This is exactly what helped me get to where I am.  I suffered a bulging disc in my neck in 2007 and found a solution for my neck when the standard physio etc didn’t work.  I was so amazed I decided to help others and underwent training to learn the technique. 

I utilise various bodywork techniques and new emerging technologies to assist me in achieving the best outcome for my clients so that they can get back to work and earn money, and also get back to the things they love to do! 

2. Genuine solutions

I pride myself in -
* offering people a solution to help them get back to what they love doing when they have tried everything else.  Including clients who are turned away and told 'there is nothing I can do for you’ and ‘you will just have to live with the pain, etc’
* whole body approach including internal health - such as gut health, inflammation e.t.c

3. Research & product testing already done for you

I have already spent countless hours -
* researching ingredients in scientific journals & online resources

* comparing companies & products

* testing products on myself & my family

so you don't have too!

All products are thoroughly tested by myself (who reacts to a LOT of skincare and other products), and my family. 

Things I look for are -
* high quality ingredients (plant/animal base, chemical free, wholefood ingredients vs individual chemical components)
* research behind each ingredient,  product & therapy to ensure they will do what they are meant to do
* does it make my skin itch?  Rashes appear?  Upset my gut or brain health?
* are there countless reviews from happy satisfied customers?

Do you know what is it to have well being?

How do you feel when your feet hit the ground in the morning? Do you feel good and go for a stretch, walk or jog?   Do you put together your favorite breakfast, drink a tall cool glass of fresh water?  Do you feel ready to go? Do you hug those you love and venture off to make a difference in the world all day long? This is what you were naturally made to do. Every cell in your body generates health and vibrancy, all of them working together, making you work well and feel great.

If this is not your experience, at least most of the time, then what part of you prevents you from feeling this way? Whatever reason you give, you can be sure that the culprit almost certainly comes back to an imbalance in some part of your body. Something is preventing your body from working correctly. Perhaps it is a nutritional imbalance causing mental stress, drowsiness or depression?  Perhaps it is an infection or pain from some physical part of you?  Maybe it is stress from a difficult emotional issue, a relationship?  Emotional pain is a manifestation of imbalanced body chemistry.  Maybe it is a stress or toxin in your environment.  Any imbalance to the thousands of parts and systems in your body, can affect the operation of everything else.

Here is the good news, it does not have to stay that way. The body is built to fix itself. 

I can help the body in various ways and empower you to set it on the correct path to health and wellness, and ultimately - well being.